
Java simple apps and projects code

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1.Simple Calculator:

About this project:

  1. Graphical User Interface (GUI):

    • The application has a graphical interface with a window that includes a display area (JTextField) for showing input and results and a grid of buttons (JButton) for numeric digits, operators, and special functions.
  2. Basic Arithmetic Operations:

    • The calculator supports basic arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  3. Input Handling:

    • The application handles user input through button clicks on the GUI.
    • Numeric buttons and the decimal point button allow users to input numbers.
    • Operator buttons perform operations and store the operator for subsequent calculations.
  4. Error Handling:

    • The calculator includes basic error handling, such as preventing division by zero.
    • If the user attempts to divide by zero, an error message is displayed using JOptionPane.
  5. Clear Functionality:

    • The calculator has a "C" button that clears the display and resets the calculator state.
  6. Responsive User Interface:

    • The GUI layout is designed to be responsive, allowing users to interact with the calculator in a user-friendly manner.
  7. Object-Oriented Design:

    • The code follows object-oriented principles, organizing functionality into methods and using classes for encapsulation.
  8. Swing Library Usage:

    • The project demonstrates the use of Swing, a Java GUI toolkit, for creating the graphical elements of the calculator.
  9. Educational Purpose:

    • This project serves an educational purpose by providing a simple example of GUI programming in Java.
    • It can be used as a learning tool for understanding basic concepts of event-driven programming, GUI design, and handling user input in Java.
  10. Runnable Example:

    • The code includes a main method, allowing it to be run as a standalone Java application.

In summary, the purpose of this project is to create a basic, functional calculator application in Java with a graphical user interface, emphasizing simplicity and educational value. It provides an example for individuals learning Java programming and GUI development with Swing.

2.Youtube video player

About this project:

  1. A basic Java program using Swing to create a graphical user interface (GUI) with a "Play" button. When the button is clicked, it attempts to open a web browser to play a YouTube video. The purpose of this example was to demonstrate how to create a simple GUI application in Java and how to open a URL in the default web browser.

    This example serves as an introduction to basic GUI programming in Java using Swing and how to handle button click events. However, it's important to note that the example is limited in functionality. It doesn't actually embed a YouTube video player within the Java application; instead, it relies on the default web browser to handle the video playback.
